Bill Introduction of Baltimore PILOT Taskforce 25-0036
After discussions with the WUFU steering committee, WUFU community engagement committee and volunteers, we have decided to end the collection of signatures for the ballot initiative campaign and pivot to an approach that better centers deep relational organizing.
We are committed to building power with and redistributing resources to disinvested communities by holding our tax-exempt hospitals and universities accountable.
The current PILOT agreement expires in 2026 and we need to make sure those negotiations are WITH US and FOR US. We are considering a legislative approach to ensure PILOTs with the tax-exempt hospitals and universities in Baltimore City are fair, transparent, and include community and labor stakeholders.
There will still be opportunities for outreach at community events and we would love your support in building transformational connections.
We remain firmly committed to our vision of ensuring that Baltimore City invests in community wealth building initiatives in Black neighborhoods. Through community wealth building, we seek to foster more sustainable and equitable communities by building housing and economic models that are locally rooted and collectively owned. As a coalition, we will continue to emphasize collective learning and knowledge sharing about community wealth building.
We are excited for the future of WUFU and grateful that each of you are a part of this movement. Please reach out if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.